Thank you for coming to this site which is dedicated to the writing journey.
I really enjoy writing when inspiration strikes, those times are fun, imaginative, exciting. When I am struggling with where to go with the story, or I'm bored and want to move on, then I feel that writing is tedious, confusing, and complex.
Often in my life, I speak and do before thinking and reflecting. I do this when I am blogging or writing comments on Facebook as well. So forgive the errors on this page or others I have, I am a one woman show for the moment and juggle my writing and family commitments. I'm not a planner, and I'm not methodical, I just do.
I hope my stories captures you and any typo, the editors and I missed, is quickly forgotten because the characters carried you away with them.
I really enjoy writing when inspiration strikes, those times are fun, imaginative, exciting. When I am struggling with where to go with the story, or I'm bored and want to move on, then I feel that writing is tedious, confusing, and complex.
Often in my life, I speak and do before thinking and reflecting. I do this when I am blogging or writing comments on Facebook as well. So forgive the errors on this page or others I have, I am a one woman show for the moment and juggle my writing and family commitments. I'm not a planner, and I'm not methodical, I just do.
I hope my stories captures you and any typo, the editors and I missed, is quickly forgotten because the characters carried you away with them.
I love beautiful flowers, the intoxicating smells, and complexity of their form. These pictures are from my collection. Flowers from my garden, arrangements I received or ones that I had to photograph. The image of me is from my trip to Tokyo, Japan. Mt. Fuji was breathtaking from the airplane and various other images from around the palace in Tokyo. I also included a distant image of the United States Capital from my travels to Washington D.C., as it is the setting for a few of my books. Enjoy!